Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Call our office to schedule a virtual visit.
1. improve or enhance the quality or value of.
"the experience will enrich your life"
2. to add beauty to
"the view was enriched by the rolling hills"

About the Practice

Enrich Family Practice is a comprehensive medical practice located in Odessa, Texas. Led by Kelly Wenger, APRN FNP - C, their main emphasis is on wellness and self-care for the entire family. Practice areas include all levels of pediatric health from newborns to adolescents and men and women’s health from preventative screenings, physicals, and dental care to health and cosmetics services.

Whether you come in for a regular check-up or seek to improve your body composition with SculpSureⓇ non-invasive body contouring, the staff at Enrich Family Practice will treat you and your loved ones with the individualized care that’s deserved. The practice also emphasizes how crucial regular health screenings are, especially for older adults. Getting the right screening test at the right time can detect disease before symptoms appear, allowing for easier treatment options and better prognosis.

Often caring for multiple generations of families, Enrich Family Practice is dedicated to the wellness and longevity of each patient, providing information needed to make healthy lifestyle choices and health care decisions for all members of the family. Learn more about the available services and the benefits of Enrich Family Practice by scheduling an appointment today.

Now Offering Telemedicine! Call the office to book an appointment.



What We Do






Visit the Enrich Health and Wellness website



Choose Your Provider

What Causes Frequent Urination in Men?

You don’t leave the house without scouting nearby bathrooms. You dash to the toilet and make it just in time (or not). Your sleep’s interrupted multiple times by the urge to pee. You didn’t used to be tethered to the toilet. What gives?

Why Does My Child Always Have a Runny Nose?
Why Does My Child Always Have a Runny Nose?

Your kiddo always seems to have a runny or stuffed-up nose. Is that just a cute quirk, or is it a sign that something’s wrong? A chronically runny nose isn’t normal or healthy. Here’s what your child’s nose might be trying to tell you.

4 Unexpected Causes of Infertility
4 Unexpected Causes of Infertility

When your doctor tells you you’re infertile, it’s shocking, especially if tests don’t identify anything physically wrong. A wide variety of internal and external factors influence fertility — and some of them are surprising.


Enrich Family Practice
5031 Wayland Dr.
Odessa, TX 79762
Phone: 432-200-9052


Monday8:00AM-12:00PM & 1:30PM-5:00PM
Tuesday8:00AM-12:00PM & 1:30PM-5:00PM
Thursday8:00AM-12:00PM & 1:30PM-5:00PM
Friday7:00 am– 12:00 pm