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5 Steps to Take to Prevent Bruising and Get the Most out of Injectable Cosmetic Treatments

Injectable cosmetic treatments are an oft-requested procedure by women aged 30-50. They can enhance the look of your face, smoothing away wrinkles, filling in fine lines, and plumping lips for a younger appearance. But what can you do about the bruising that often accompanies injectable treatments?

Injectables don’t have to mean bruising for days after treatment. Dr. Maria Cole of Odessa, Texas shares five tips to keep you looking your best after your cosmetic treatment, so you don’t always have to book your session on Friday and hope the bruising goes away before work on Monday!

Different types of injectables

Many different types of injectables exist, but most fall into two main categoriesdermal fillers (hyaluronic acid), and neurotoxins (botulism). More than three million dermal filler treatments were provided in 2017 alone, and more than five million botulism injections were performed for cosmetic purposes.

Five steps for bruise prevention after injectable treatment

Injectables can cause facial bruising because the injection of the liquid or gel pushes tissues aside to make room, causing small amounts of trauma to the tissue (similar to a strong pinch). Since injectables are typically administered over a section of the face, bruising can appear widespread. To prevent bruising, prepare your face well before your session, and act quickly afterwards:

  1. One to two weeks before injections, cut out aspirin, NSAIDs, and any supplements known to thin your blood, such as St. John’s Wort. If you are on prescription blood thinners, check with your doctor before having cosmetic injection treatments.
  2. For two days before your injections, stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  3. The morning of and after treatment, eat pineapple or take bromelain supplements to help minimize bruising.
  4. After your injections, apply arnica gel topically several times a day.
  5. Without applying undue pressure, ice your face off and on for the eight hours immediately following your treatment.

Following these steps can help you avoid bruising and get the most out of your injectable cosmetic treatments. To schedule a treatment with Dr. Cole, call our Odessa, Texas office at 432-200-9087 today.

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