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Can Lasers Reduce My Wrinkles?

Can Lasers Reduce My Wrinkles?

Sunlight may have damaged your skin, but laser light can revive it. Wrinkles result from a combination of damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, plus the down-regulation of the essential building blocks of skin — like collagen and elastin — that occurs with age.

Botox® can quiet the dynamic muscles that cause expressions to stay on your face after you release them, such as frown lines and crow’s feet. But static wrinkles don’t respond to Botox because muscle activity doesn’t cause them — they’re a sign your skin has lost strength, resilience, and depth.

Fortunately, the Icon™ laser by CynoSure® laser can erase or smooth out the static wrinkles that Botox can’t touch. Whether you’re bothered by fine lines or deep creases, the Icon laser helps your skin rebuild itself to become more pliable and youthful.

At Enrich Family Practice in Odessa, Texas, our expert nurse practitioners use the Icon laser to erase or reduce many signs of facial aging, including wrinkles. If you’re ready to be wrinkle-free, here’s how the Icon laser gets you there.

Lasers resurface your skin

The Icon laser sends short pulses of light and energy to your skin. On the surface of your skin, it exfoliates the outer layer by vaporizing it, revealing younger, fresher skin underneath.

Sometimes, fine lines and wrinkles are due to damage in the epidermis. This first step of laser treatment helps rejuvenate the look of your skin and makes it more youthful and glowing. 

Lasers also reduce discoloration on your skin, such as age spots or other types of pigmentary sun damage. They vaporize unwanted, damaged veins around your nose to reduce their aging appearance.

Lasers reach deeply into your skin

In addition to refining the surface of your skin, the laser’s pulsating heat reaches into the deeper layer, called the dermis. The energy stimulates a wound-healing process in your skin that triggers it to begin rebuilding itself.

When your body heals wounds, including the deliberate microwounds caused by lasers, it amps up the production of key proteins, such as collagen and elastin. Collagen fibers crosslink to create the matrix that supports your skin as it rebuilds. 

Healthy skin is resilient skin

You may notice a difference in your skin immediately after your treatment, and it will probably be pink and tender for a few days. But the real difference appears months and even up to a year later. 

As your skin rebuilds itself, the new collagen matrix supports your skin to smooth out wrinkles and creases. You notice that your skin looks:

If you have acne scars or other types of scars, laser therapy helps reduce their appearance, too. To maintain your results, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more every day. You may also benefit from regular chemical peels to help your new skin turn over cells more quickly.

If you’re ready to improve the health and appearance of your skin by rebuilding it from the inside out with lasers, contact us by phone at 432-200-9052 for an Icon laser wrinkle treatment today. You can also use our online form.

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