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How to Get Facelift-Like Results Without Surgery

How to Get Facelift-Like Results Without Surgery

You look in the mirror and lift your face with your fingers. Just a little tug makes a profound difference, and you suddenly see your “old” (i.e., younger) self looking back at you.

When it takes so little effort to give yourself a lift, you wonder whether surgery is even necessary. Isn’t there a way to make that finger lift permanent without having a surgical procedure?

 At Enrich Family Practice, our expert nurse practitioners want you to get the lift and rejuvenation you crave without the need for cutting away skin, general anesthesia, or long recovery times. That’s why we offer thread lifts and other cutting-edge rejuvenating services at our Odessa, Texas, clinic. 

Do you want to know how to lift your face without a facelift? Read on to discover why a thread lift may be the solution you and your mirror have been craving.

Thread lifts are nonsurgical

When you get a thread lift, you don’t have to worry about being put to sleep or staying in the hospital. Thread lifts are minimally invasive and can be done in the comfort of our office.

We first apply an antiseptic to clean your skin and give you a local anesthetic to numb pain. 

Then, we make very small incisions in your skin. Through these tiny holes, we thread cannulas (i.e., tubes) fitted with the textured threads, which grab onto the skin.

We then pull up on the sutures to lift your sagging skin. Once your facial skin is in a natural, youthful, lifted position, we remove the cannula, knot the thread, and suture it underneath your skin.

Thread lifts don’t have scars

Unlike face-lifts, which create visible scars hidden behind your ears or under your chin, thread lifts leave no scars. The small incisions don’t require a single stitch to close them.

Once your skin is beautifully lifted, we simply place a bandage over the small incisions. In a few days, you can barely see the area where we inserted the threads.

Thread lifts stimulate your own collagen

The barbs on the threads that hold your skin in place do double duty. In addition to creating the lift, they stimulate collagen production in your skin.

As the sutures gradually dissolve, the lift is maintained by the new scaffolding of collagen created by the sutures. Your skin is thicker and healthier after a thread lift.

Thread lifts last a long time

No matter what kind of rejuvenation you choose for your face — surgical or nonsurgical — your face will continue to age. However, you can expect to maintain your newly lifted, youthful look for about two years. Younger people with more elastic skin may see even better results. 

With dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid fillers, you can add volume and maintain your results. You can also augment the collagen-producing effects of thread lifts with collagen-stimulating fillers.

Thread lifts are fast

Unlike surgical face-lifts, thread lifts have no actual downtime. They’re so easy and safe to perform that they’re sometimes called “lunchtime lifts.” You can come to our office during your lunch hour, get your lift, then go on about your day.

Your results are immediate. There’s no healing time, as there would be with a face-lift or even a mini-lift. However, you may have some swelling and bruising for a day or two after your lift. 

Thread lifts are safe and effective

Medical professionals and aestheticians have used thread lifts safely since the 1980s. Just be sure not to rub your face while it’s healing. We give you explicit aftercare instructions. We also prepare you for the procedure by recommending you refrain from using aspirin, ginger, or other blood-thinning substances.

Are you ready to transfer face-lifting services from your fingers to collagen-stimulating threads? Call us at 432-200-9052 to book your thread lift today. You can also use our convenient online form to schedule your appointment.


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