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Why Winter Is the Best Time for Laser Skin Treatments

Even if we don’t have to deal with winter blizzards in Texas, you probably don’t spend much time outdoors in a bikini. In fact, due to the holidays and other at-home activities, you probably spend more time indoors than in other seasons.

Why not use these colder months to recharge, rejuvenate, and emerge fresher and younger-looking in spring with laser skin treatments?

At Enrich Family Practice, our expert nurse practitioners favor the multi-purpose, versatile Icon™ laser to improve the appearance of your skin all over your body and face. No matter your skin issues, the Icon laser probably has a solution for you.

Why is winter time the best time for laser treatments? Here are a few reasons.

Laser treatments take time

If you want to be bikini-ready and look smooth and refreshed at work, by the pool, or in the club by springtime, start now. Laser skin rejuvenation works with your body’s natural healing processes, so it takes time.

You need a series of treatments to resolve issues such as:

For skin rejuvenation, the Icon laser heats the inner layers of your skin, creating micro-wounds that stimulate an immune response. Your body then produces more collagen and elastin to rebuild and rejuvenate your skin from the inside out. That takes weeks to months.

If you want to remove facial veins or brown spots, we recalibrate the laser to target the excess pigment. Some veins may disappear instantly. Others take a while for your body to break them down and flush the debris. Sunspots take a while to dry out and flake off before revealing new skin.

Laser hair removal occurs in stages. The lasers only target hairs in their visible stages of growth. Since your hair grows at different rates, you must repeat treatments until we’ve zapped them all.

If you wait until spring to start laser skin treatments, your results will peak in the fall. Starting treatments now puts your best face (and legs) forward in springtime.

The sun’s a bit less treacherous

When you have laser skin treatments, your skin is extra sensitive to the sun. You should always wear sunscreen outdoors, even while driving or working near a sunny window, but it becomes even more critical after laser treatments.

Getting your laser skin treatments in the winter, when the sun is less intense and you’re more likely to be indoors, means your laser-treated sensitive skin will be better protected. Still, we recommend wearing a hat and sunglasses outdoors.

You can cover up

One of the best reasons to start laser skin treatments in the winter is that you’re already more likely to cover your treated skin with long sleeves and skirts or pants. The added clothing helps keep the sun off your sensitive skin.

In addition, you can let your skin heal in private. For instance, if you’re in the middle of laser hair removal, you may be embarrassed by the combination of hair and hairlessness on your legs. But tights and pant legs keep your legs hidden until they’re silky and hair-free.

It’s a good way to start the new year

If you’ve been promising yourself for months or years that it’s time to take care of your skin, winter laser skin treatments make it easy to keep that resolution. Begin 2024 with relaxing treatments that help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Once the new year is off to a running start, you will be, too. Fresh from rejuvenation or hair removal, you look your best and feel your best all year long.

Start your new year off right with winter laser skin treatments today. Call us for an appointment at 432-200-9052 or use our online form.

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